Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Why I Entered the Blog World--2009 Update

The occasional restatement of first principles in never a bad idea, so I thought I would re-run this, with some edits to reflect changes. I resisted the urge to create a blog originally because I could not justify it for any reason other than an exercise of ego. I do not think that this is true of all other blogs; there are plenty that serve great ends.

If parishioners miss Sunday worship, they can find the message here. Friends and colleagues can catch up, and occasionally, someone may happen along who finds value in what I say. I am in the business of providing meaning to the Christian scriptures in this time and place for a people to whom I am sent to serve, and this is just another way of doing that.

For the most part, this space will be used to post the sermons and other thoughts of one young-ish pastor in the Wyoming Conference of the United Methodist Church, as the denomination travels a rough patch of ground theologically and socially. As part of that, the Wyoming Conference will soon cease to exist, in the pursuit of efficent ministry. The other part of what we will become is now called The Central Pennsylvania Conference. Something new will be created out of these two Conferences in 2010.

Why the name Fryer Drew? It's really a bad pun. I am fascinated with the modern monastic movement, starting with and continuing with the Northumbria Community. On Feb. 1, 2009, I became an Oblate in the Monastery of St. Brigid of Kildare, which is based in Minnesota. It also reflects my interest in cooking, food and the eternal quest for the perfect fried chicken!

The wit may be meager, but I hope that this blogging journey I am embarking on will be of value both to me and to whomever may find it!

1 comment:

  1. I really do like the name Fryer Drew, I think it's perfect.
